Signals of Spring - Animals in Curriculum-based Ecosystem Studiesimages of marine animals

In the Spotlight:

Black-footed Albatross Takes Flight with Signals of Spring

Track Albatross Across the Pacific!

Click here for Maps and Data.

Thank you to the following partners for the 2008 tracking from Kure Atoll and Cordell Bank:

NASA logo Development sponsored by:

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

(NASA Award: NCC5433)
 images of marine animals

Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge, in partnership with other organizations and universities, provide data on Black-footed Albatrosses as they migrate and forage around the North Pacific Ocean.

Oikonos is a non-profit organization working locally and internationally to increase ecosystem knowledge. One of Oikonos' goals is to study the relationships among marine birds and their oceanic habitats to enhance the knowledge-base for assessing ocean health and conservation. Oikonos is working closely with Hawai'i Pacific Universtiy, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, the State of Hawai'i, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, and Signals of Spring to improve our understanding of albatross ecology and encourage public stewardship of the open ocean.

Free teacher resources:

This year's exciting albatross race results reveal some great information. Click here!

Sophie Webb © 2004, watercolor from her children's book "Looking for Seabirds, Journal of an Alaskan Voyage"