Signals of Spring - Animals in Curriculum-based Ecosystem Studiesimages of marine animals
New Odyssey Project

In the Spotlight:

The New Odyssey Project

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NASA logo Development sponsored by:

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

(NASA Award: NCC5433)
 images of marine animals

With the first international cooperative for Signals of Spring, we welcome the New Odyssey Project, where a large effort has been underway since 2000 to determine the movements and important issues that face the Black Stork. With ranges from India to Siberia, there are fascinating flyways to discover through Mongolia and mountainous regions of Asia. It is interesting to understand how birds on other continents thrive, and the New Odyssey project will lead the effort to learn this and other information. Czech Radio is a strong supporter of the wildlife efforts, as our collaborators in Prague share their satellite data.